From Waste to Strength: A Comprehensive Review on Using Fly Ash in Composites with Enhanced Mechanical Properties
Fly Ash, Composites, Mechanical PropertiesAbstract
This article explores the diverse applications of fly ash (FA), a by-product generated during the combustion of coal. The introductory segment thoroughly comprehends the origins, composition, and widespread occurrence of FA. FA, which comprises an estimated 38% of worldwide power generation, frequently encounters disposal and storage obstacles on account of its classification as non-hazardous waste in the majority of countries. The environmental issues linked to the dispersal of FA are underscored in the problem statement, which further emphasizes the urgency for sustainable alternatives. Due to the fugitive emissions and potential health hazards associated with metal melting in FA, it is critical to investigate novel applications and disposal techniques immediately. Environmental sustainability is a primary focus of research, with the development of synthetic FA composites being one such alternative. The analysis presents significant findings that underscore the wide-ranging applications of FA. These applications include its utilization as a filler in composites, as well as its incorporation into cement and geo-polymerization processes. Notably, (10-20) wt. % Nano-FA enhances epoxy-based composites, showcasing remarkable improvements in tensile strength, flexural strength, and impact resistance. In thermoplastic composites, substantial enhancements occur within the (5–10) wt. % FA range, but exceeding optimal ranges weakens matrix-fiber interaction, leading to diminishing returns. The article emphasizes the criticality of FA in improving the mechanical and thermodynamic characteristics of substances, specifically within the domain of composites. The investigation into FA nanoparticles, including their processing techniques and surface treatments, unveils encouraging prospects for enhancing material characteristics.
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