About Us

SciEnPG is dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence through publication of journals and conference proceedings in the broad field of applied science and engineering.
Scopes of SciEn Publishing Group
Open Access Journal
SciEn Publishing Group currently publishes an international, peer reviewed and open access journal in the field of Applied Sciences and Engineering. More journals will be coming online in near future.
Conference Proceedings
SciEn Publishing Group currently publishes Conference Proceedings in a conference journal in the field of Science and Engineering. More conference journals will come online soon.
Why Choose Us?
Open Access Publication
Publications in our journal or conference journal are completely open access and freely available to read and download.
Digital Object Identifier
Each article published in SciEn PG journal or conference journal is assigned with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
All the published content in SciEn PG journal or conference journal are archived in PKP-PN for long term preservation.
Articles published in SciEn PG journals or conference journals are indexed in popular indexing services such as Google Scholar and Crossref.
Creative Commons License
SciEn PG follows the creative commons license guidelines and the license information is given in all published articles.
Plagiarism Check
Articles submitted to the SciEn PG journal and conference journals are checked for plagiarism and the published articles are unique.